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Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Monday

Robin-Ivan Capar
Robin-Ivan Capar - [email protected]
Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Monday
Norwegian supermarket brands Kiwi and Rema 1000 have announced reductions in the prices of fish products. Photo by Colin Czerwinski on Unsplash

Plans to end cruise ship traffic in Oslo, and cheaper fish in Norwegian supermarkets, and other news from Norway on Monday.


Kiwi and Rema 1000 slash fish prices

In a bid to make healthy eating more affordable, Norwegian grocery chains Kiwi and Rema 1000 have announced significant price cuts on fish products.

Starting Monday, Kiwi has decided to reduce fish prices in alignment with the 15 percent Value Added Tax (VAT).

Additionally, Rema 1000, a competing grocery chain, announced it would follow Kiwi and offer a 20 percent price cut on fish products.

Kiwi's communications director, Kristine Arvin, told the Norwegian newspaper VG that their fish price reduction aligns with their larger campaign for permanently removing VAT on healthy goods.

In response to Kiwi's initiative, Rema 1000 unveiled their own long-planned campaign to make nutritious foods, like fish, more accessible to consumers without straining their budgets.

Pia Mellbye, Rema 1000's marketing director, said their price cut on fish would remain in effect until early October.

Green Party aims to end cruise traffic in Oslo

The Green Party (MDG) in Oslo has said that it wants to end cruise ship traffic in the city of Oslo. 

Sirin Stav, environmental councillor in Oslo, highlighted that their strategy involves repurposing the spaces currently used for cruise ships into recreational areas, such as swimming spots, playgrounds, and green zones.

READ MORE: Latest polls predict tight local election race in Oslo

Stav underlined the significance of this campaign for the Green Party, designating it as a top priority for the party. Local elections are being held in Norway on September 11th. 

Recent developments already reflect the city council's position on cruise traffic. While two of Oslo's four cruise quays are set to be eliminated, no new quay will be established in the Filipstad neighbourhood as part of its development.

Additionally, the Green Party intends to remove Revierkaia in Bjørvika, which will eventually be the sole remaining quay.

However, the proposal has faced criticism. The Liberal Party (Venstre) views it as a symbolic political move rather than a real solution.


Fight between taxi drivers erupts in Drammen, police intervene

A fight between taxi drivers escalated in Drammen in southeastern Norway during the weekend, prompting police intervention in Strømsø Square.

The conflict reportedly arose from a dispute over taxi locations.

The police swiftly intervened to separate the involved parties, as confirmed in a post on X/Twitter.

This incident follows a similar situation just last week when two taxi drivers in Drammen also engaged in a physical altercation.

At that time, the police revealed that the background for that incident was an argument concerning a customer.



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