
Everything that changes in Norway in June 2024

Frazer Norwell
Frazer Norwell - [email protected]
Everything that changes in Norway in June 2024
The Local has put together its article of all the things to look out for in June. Pictured is a person fly fishing in Norway. Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

A potential pilot strike, the summer holidays, Pride events, and Trondheim’s first city council are among the key changes in Norway in June.


Trondheim to form first city council 

On June 13th, Trondheim municipality will get its first-ever city council. The new city council has been formed as a coalition of the Conservative Party, the Green Party and the Liberal Party. 

The Conservative Party gets four seats, while the other four will be divided between the other parties equally. 

Conservative Party representative Kristian Dahlberg Hauge will lead the new city council. Christianne Bauck-Larssen will take over as councillor for social services, Ferhat Güven will be in charge of finances, and Merete Baustad Ranum will take over health. All four politicians represent the Conservative Party. 

Lucie Katrine Eidem of the Liberal Party will take over the children’s post, while Trond Aam, also of the Liberal Party, will be responsible for culture, sports, and outdoor life. 

Lars Viko Gaupset from the Green Party will head up urban development, while Green Party colleague Line Fjørstad will be responsible for transport, environment and industry. 

Pride events across Norway 

Norway’s two biggest cities will celebrate Pride in June. Bergen Pride begins at the beginning of June, and events will continue until the city’s Pride parade on June 8th. 

A number of different events will be held across different venues to mark this year’s celebrations. 

Meanwhile, Norway’s biggest LGBTQ+ celebration, Oslo Pride, will begin on June 19th and end on June 29th. The parade will be held on June 29th. 

Not all areas in Norway will hold their Pride events in June. For example, the festivities in Trondheim don’t begin until September. 

Most Norwegian salmon rivers open for fishing 

Salmon rivers in Norway will open for the season on June 1st. The salmon season will then run until the end of August. 


Norway is considered by many to have some of the world’s finest salmon fishing rivers. Those looking to fish must make sure they pay both for the fishing licence and the local fishing fee. 

Potential pilot strike 

A potential strike among Norwegian Air Shuttle pilots could disrupt the start of summer in Norway. 

The mediation deadline of May 31st has been set with Norwegian Air Shuttle pilots, the Norwegian Pilot Union, and the airline, but they have yet to agree on a package for wages and working conditions. 

Pilots are asking for a better work-life balance and salaries that are more in line with those of pilots operating out of other bases. 

School summer holidays 

June 21st will be the last school day for many students across Norway. They will not return to school until mid-August. 

If you think you’ll struggle to keep your kids occupied, watch out for our monthly roundup of the best events happening in Norway. 

Summer solstice 

June 20th marks the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. In most parts of Norway, you can expect it to remain light hours past midnight. From that day forward, the days in Norway will gradually get shorter until the winter solstice in December. 

While the longest days of the year can make it hard to sleep if you don’t have a curtain or blind, the extra light is perfect for activities like hiking and jogging after a long day at work. Longer trips are also possible as it won’t get dark quite as soon. 

The sun will be visible between June 12th and July 1st as the clock strikes midnight in the Arctic Circle. 


In Bodø, the midnight sun is visible between June 4th and July 8th. 

The sun is visible in parts of Norway as the earth rotates on a tilted axis relative to the sun. The north pole is angled towards the star, meaning the sun never sets. 

Revised national budget to pass through parliament before summer break 

The government will try to pass its revised budget for 2024 through parliament before the summer break. 

A heavy focus on defence spending and the police was made in the revised budget. However, certain policies, such as a reversal of private school cuts, can also affect everyday life in the country. 

An agreement with the Socialist Left Party will need to be reached for the budget to pass through parliament. 



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