
Health For Members

Do you need to take Vitamin D supplements during winter in Norway?

Frazer Norwell
Frazer Norwell - [email protected]
Do you need to take Vitamin D supplements during winter in Norway?
If you live in Norway, you will likely need to take Vitamin D. Pictured are Vitamin D capsules. Photo by Michele Blackwell on Unsplash

Norway’s winter is just as known for its short days as its cold weather. With little sunlight available, do you need to turn to Vitamin D supplements?


Vitamin D is a vital nutrient for overall health and well-being, and most people are aware that it can be absorbed via sunlight. 

Sunlight isn’t in abundance in Norway during the winter. Most places across the country only get a few hours a day, typically when most people are at work. 

This makes it much harder to get enough Vitamin D. A deficiency in Vitamin D can lead to several health problems in the long run. 

Norway’s public health authority also writes that during the winter, “very few people will be able to meet their need for vitamin D through their diet alone without taking supplements."

This advice comes despite Vitamin D being added to several foods in Norway, such as milk, yoghurt and fruit juice. The nutritional label will let people know how much Vitamin D they consume. 

The recommended daily intake of Vitamin D is 10 µg per day (20 µg/day for the elderly over 75). The Norwegian Council for Nutrition said in 2018 that those who get little sunlight in the summer should take vitamin D all year round. 

Vitamin D from food

It is possible for many to get enough Vitamin D from food. A number of foods provide a good source of Vitamin D. For example, around 100 grams of Salmon or Herring provide enough Vitamin D to cover the daily intake. 

Vitamin D is primarily found in fatty fish, roe and fish liver. In addition, several foods have added vitamin D. 

If you are unable to incorporate these foods into your diet, then you will probably need to turn to supplements. 


Vitamin D supplements

Most Vitamin D tables contain between 10 or 20 µg per dose and should be taken daily between the autumn and the spring. 

Do not take too many in order to try and “catch up”. While the body can store excess Vitamin D, the limit for adults is around 50-100 µg daily, and taking larger doses over a long period of time can be harmful. 

Vitamin D supplements are widely available in Norway. They can bought at supermarkets and pharmacies. 

Once you start taking supplements, your levels can take a few weeks to improve. If you are concerned you have a deficiency, you should contact your GP and ask for blood tests. 


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