
Today in Norway For Members

Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday

Frazer Norwell
Frazer Norwell - [email protected]
Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday
Find out what's going on in Norway on Tuesday with The Local's roundup of important news. Pictured is a mountain range in Norway. Photo by Kato Bergli on Unsplash

Low energy prices across Norway, a weather warning, and many voters think the Conservative Party leader should resign over scandal. This and other news from Norway on Tuesday. 


Cheap energy in Norway 

Energy across the country will be either free or extremely cheap on Tuesday. The low prices will be due to large amounts of rainfall. 

Energy prices in the NO2 region of southern Norway will be around 1 øre per kilowatt hour, energy news publication Europower reports

The daily price in eastern and western Norway will be -4 øre per kilowatt hour. However, energy won’t be completely free as other fees like grid rental must be added to the price. 

In central and northern Norway, the energy price will be 0.6 øre per kilowatt hour. 

A large number of voters think Solberg should go 

After it was revealed that Erna Solberg’s husband had traded shares extensively while she was PM, despite being told not to, 46 percent of voters believe that she should resign as leader of the Conservative Party leader. 

This is according to a survey by broadcaster TV 2. Additionally, 14.7 said they would have voted differently if they knew the full extent of Sindre Finnes's share trading.

Her husband owned shares, something Solberg says she wasn’t aware of, which means she couldn’t have been competent or impartial when making decisions while PM under the ministerial ethics rules. 


Solberg hasn’t signalled any intent to step down. If her position were to become untenable, former foreign minister Ine Eriksen Søreide has been touted as a potential replacement. 

Weather warning is in place across Norway on Tuesday 

A yellow weather warning for lightning, rain, flood and landslides has been issued. The weather warning applies to large parts of southern Norway. 

Between 30-40 millimetres of rain are expected, with some places expecting up to 70 millimetres of precipitation. 

Many places across southern Norway saw large amounts of rainfall on Monday night. 

The weather warning will expire on Tuesday. A wave of low pressure will sweep over Norway on Wednesday, bringing more rain. However, a weather warning for Wednesday hasn’t been issued. 

Norway’s public health institute concerned about antibiotic resistance 

Despite deploying successful strategies against antibiotic resistance, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health is still concerned.

“The low incidence of antibiotic resistance in Norway is due to low consumption of antibiotics, an advantageous consumption pattern and effective measures against the spread of resistant bacteria,” Gunnar Skov Simonsen, who heads the Norwegian Monitoring System for Antibiotic Resistance in Microbes, said in an announcement. 

"Although much has been achieved, there are probably still areas for improvement, such as avoiding prescribing antibiotics for viral infections, choosing the right antibiotic and individualising doses or duration of treatment," he added. 



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