
Norwegian word of the day: Bergenser

Frazer Norwell
Frazer Norwell - [email protected]
Norwegian word of the day: Bergenser
Today's Norwegian word of the day is all about the people of Bergen. Pictured is the latest Norwegian word of the day written on a chalkboard. Caption photo by Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash / Nicolas Raymond/FlickR

Today's world is centred all around the people of Bergen, the picturesque city on Norway's west coast. 


What does Bergenser mean? 

Bergenser is the Norwegian term used to describe somebody who hails from Bergen. This is used in the same way as you would refer to a Londoner, a New Yorker or a Parisian (for example). 

Much in the same way you refer to locals of other cities, you refer to someone from Bergen as Bergenser, as being from the city forms a part of their personality and cultural identity. 

Perhaps the most obvious way you can spot a Bergenser is their use of Bergensk. Bergensk is the dialect of Bergen. It is quite different from the Oslofjord dialect many will be used to or will have learned in language courses. 

For many, some Norwegians included, it can be hard to understand – especially if the person is talking fast. 

The Bergen dialect is pronounced in a similar way to how Nynorsk (one of the two written forms of Norwegian) would be. 

For example, a key difference is the pronunciation of the kj-sound. Usually, in Norwegian, this combination of letters has a distinct pronunciation. However, in Bergensk, the sound has merged with the sounds "sj" or "skj" and is pronounced "sh" in all instances.

The words "kjøtt" (meat) and "kjøpe" (buy) and "ikkje" (not/does not - the Bergensk and Nynorsk form of "ikke") are pronounced "shøtt," "shøpe," and "ishe."


Another way to identify a Bergenser is their attitude to the weather. With Bergen being the rain capital of Norway, it is no surprise that they don't let the weather get in the way of things. 

One famous saying among locals is det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær meaning that there is no bad weather, only bad clothes. 

Use it like this: 

Jonas er bergenser, så han snakker dialekt. 

Jonas is from Bergen, so he speaks with an accent. 

Han er typisk bergenser, så han lar ikke litt regn stoppe moroa. 

He is a typical person from Bergen, so he doesn't let the rain stop the fun.


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