
Sham healer jailed for harming cancer victim

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NTB/The Local - [email protected]
Sham healer jailed for harming cancer victim
Photo: Shutterstock "

A 70-year-old self-confessed alternative medicine man has been jailed in Norway after he gave misleading and illegal advice to a terminally cancer patient, it was revealed on Thursday.


The man was sentenced to 30 days in jail by Inntrøndelag district court after being found guilty of advising a seriously ill cancer patient to come off chemotherapy. He will serve the sentence on probabtion.

Under a new Norwegian law on alternative medical practice, only qualified professional health personnel are allowed to treat serious diseases, unless it happens in cooperation with the patient’s general practitioner, NRK reported.
Chief doctor Tom-Harald Edna at Levanger hospital explained during the trial: “Everyone knew that she would die shortly, but her healer stuck to his belief that she would recover by his treatment.”
The court said the woman’s life would probably have been prolonged if she continued with chemotherapy. The judge acknowledged the woman expressed a clear wish of being treated only by the healer.
According to the deceased's next of kin, the woman paid 50,000 kroner ($7,500) for the alternative treatment. The healer claimed that this was money she had borrowed from him earlier and then paid back. The court did not find adequate proof that the man exploited her financially.


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